Agile Method for Digital Products

The Agile Manifesto:

The document, formally called the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development,” was produced by 17 developers during an outing on Feb. 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in Utah.

The developers, who called themselves the Agile Alliance, were seeking an overhaul of the software development processes that they saw as cumbersome, unresponsive and too focused on documentation requirements. Below is an infographic with the 12 principles of Agile.


Agile ManifestoThe Agile Method is a project management tool use for software development. This method assists software teams to reduce the chaos of development new software for business applications by using incremental project sequences commonly known as sprints.

Not sure if using the Agile method will help increase your revenue and delivery speed of the project.

The chart below compares Agile to Conventional methods. As you can see your company will benefit from incorporation of the Agile Method throughout your business.

Here is a short overview of the Agile Method to Download

Looking to increase your revenue and speed up project delivery? Full Scale Marketing offers training for teams on the Agile Method for digital products. Download our free overview of the Agile Method to learn more! Contact us at or call 407-340-8573 to get started.