Emerging Technology

New Products and New Markets

Advancements in technology change our lives on a daily basis. For business owners, this means taking smart calculated risks when entering new markets or introducing new products.

The mission of this page is to share the stories of emerging technology from companies transforming themselves and their products. These include original posts from the Full Scale Marketing team, guest bloggers, and some of our favorite articles on the subject.


Autonomous Car

Cool Aircraft Technology Video

Cool Tech Video #Hexa by Lift #Aircraft is a unique looking personal aircraft designed to decongest traffic #transportation. The electric aircraft would transport a single person without the need of a pilot’s license. 18 independent electric motors and propellers help left the individual up and with both autonomous and semi-autonomous controls can transport them to…

Autonomous agricultural robot supported by composite components

3D-printed carbon fiber-filled composite components enable a robotic weeding system prototype intended to replace use of chemical herbicides. Source | Scheurer Swiss GmbH A team of engineering students at ETH Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland) is working to develop an autonomous agricultural robot to serve as a sustainable alternative for the use of herbicides in agriculture. The project began in September…

Good Summer Read for Executives Looking to Get an Extra Edge

The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win How a New York Times bestselling author and New Yorker contributor parlayed a strong grasp of the science of human decision-making and a woeful ignorance of cards into a life-changing run as a professional poker player, under the wing of a legend of the game It’s…

Model-maker continually adopts new additive manufacturing technologies to meet market demands

Aerosport Modeling and Design has been in business for 23 years, providing a wide range of services, including prototypes, appearance models, and working models; machines and reverse-engineers parts using scanning and 3D printing; and designing and building check and assembly fixtures. The company, which was founded by Geoff Combs, began as a basement operation but…

NASA Awards Millions to 3D Printing Projects for 2024 Moon Landing Support

NASA’s recently secured funding of over $43 million for approximately 18 early-stage 3D printing projects, developed by various small and innovative businesses across the US. The aim of the projects is to support NASA’s forthcoming mission to the Moon, which is part of the Moon to Mars directive. The agency’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)…

Revolutionizing Power Systems: The Emergence of Digital Circuit Breakers

For over 140 years, circuit breakers have been mechanical switches responsible for keeping us safe from electrical fires and electrocution. However, with the ever-increasing demand for energy efficiency, new digital circuit breakers are emerging that combine computing power with wireless connectivity to help monitor and control the energy use of buildings remotely. This technology could…

The Reputational Risks That CEOs are Most Worried About

Reputation is everything when it comes to building and maintaining a successful business. CEOs understand this well and are always on the lookout for potential risks that could damage their company’s reputation. A recent survey conducted by Deloitte shows that there are three major reputational risks CEOs are most worried about: security risks, supply chain…

Visualizing Technology Hype Cycles: Which Innovations Lived Up to the Hype?

Emerging technology has always captured our collective imagination. From the advent of wireless internet to social networking, these technological innovations have revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. However, not all of these innovations become a part of our daily lives, and some even fade into obscurity. Gartner’s Hype Cycle charts the journey of…

Video: This Custom Part Illustrates the Promise of Polymer 3D Printing

A low-quantity plastic part used instead of metal components saved weight for a motorcycle. The application illustrates the expanding opportunities for polymer manufacturing. Blog Post: 4/29/2019PETER ZELINSKI  Editor-in-Chief, Additive Manufacturing In this video, Plural Additive Manufacturing president Ed Israel describes an application of using plastic to replace a metal component on a motorcycle, saving weight. This small…

Converging Exponential Technologies: Transforming the Future of Disaster Relief

In recent years, the world has witnessed an increase in natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods, among others. Such disasters lead to loss of life, damage to infrastructure, and a general sense of helplessness. However, technology has emerged as a critical tool in disaster relief efforts, enabling first responders and relief organizations to…

Orlando: Advancing the Future of Manufacturing through Digital Twins

BRIDG is a microelectronics research company based in Orlando, Florida, that has set out to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. The company’s gleaming 109,000-square-foot facility, located just 30 minutes from downtown Orlando, has enormous clean rooms and complex equipment for fabricating silicon wafers. On these wafers are printed microchips that enable the complex modern electronics we…

What is digital transformation in manufacturing?

Ran across this article on MIT Sloan Management Review written by Vijay Govindarajan and Jeffrey R. Immelt It includes one of the better descriptions I have run across for digital transformation for manufacturers: “A digital transformation entails reimagining products and services as digitally enabled assets; generating new value from the interconnection of physical and digital assets…

Agile Method for Digital Products

The Agile Manifesto: The document, formally called the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development,” was produced by 17 developers during an outing on Feb. 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in Utah. The developers, who called themselves the Agile Alliance, were seeking an overhaul of the software development processes that they saw as cumbersome, unresponsive…

The Power of Robot Swarms: How a Group Mind Can Help Solve Complex Problems

Roboticists at the University of Maryland are taking inspiration from the swarm intelligence of self-organized biological systems, such as colonies of ants or bees, to create robot swarms that can work together to solve complex problems. In a recent study, they wirelessly connected hundreds of Kilobots, a simple robotic platform, to create a single computational…

Unlocking the Power of Digital Twins: Improving Operations and Training with Simulation

A digital twin is a virtual replica of an actual facility or plant, hosted either on-premises or in the cloud. It draws data from a number of sources, including real-time control systems, asset management systems, historians, and records of employee/customer interactions. With IoT implementations providing more data, high-fidelity digital twins are becoming easier to create…

Our Digital Future

If you’re someone who’s passionate about the future of humanity, technology, and sustainable development, then you’ve probably heard of Gerd Leonhard. Gerd is one of the most respected futurists and humanists in the world, with over two decades of experience in speaking and consulting on a wide range of topics related to the digital age.…

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